A downloadable tool

•Simply File>Reference (CTRL + R) the rig into your scene.

(place the rig scene under your Maya's //asset/ folder )

Replace prop mesh example for your prop mesh.

•Position the prop rig next to your character’s limb that interacts with it.
•In this case on the left wrist.

Parent Constrain (with offset):

 1.Select character wrist / limb controller (driver)
2.Shift Select prop_ATTACH_CONSTRAINS node. (driven)
•This node is just for the parent constrain avoid setting a keyframe on this.
3.Parent Constrain (with Offset)

•Now you can animate any of the controller’s hierarchy prop_anim01_CTRL , prop_anim02_CTRL and prop_anim03_CTRL as needed starting with 01 to 03.

Bonus: Same rig works great with cameras! Download the camera rig as well :)

Mecha Mechs Flourish rig used for example asset, but you can use this rig on any scene :)


Updated 12 days ago
Tags3D, Animation, rig, tool


propRig_000.ma 258 kB
camera_000.ma 75 kB

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